Online Enrollment & Registration
South Callaway R-II School District
2024-2025 New Student Enrollment Information
New Students
This is for students moving into the district for the first time or returning after having been enrolled somewhere else, including incoming kindergarten and preschool students, and students transferring from private, parochial or homeschool for the first time.
Required for Enrollment
Please fill out online. When it is approved, you will receive an email to continue to the next steps.
New Student Questionnaire (REQUIRED)
The remainder of the documents will be available on the PowerSchool Parent Portal after your student’s information is accepted. Once submitted, the school will approve the request. When they approve it, you will then receive an email with your Student Information to create your parent account OR add a student to your already existing account (if you have other students already in school).
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Once you receive the approval email, then you can create your parent account. Please follow the directions in the email. You will be required to set up a Parent Portal account to finalize your students’ enrollment in the district. Once created, you will log in to your account and select Forms on the left hand column. You will then select the first form under New Student Enrollment and follow them through to the end. Once you believe you have completed everything, click on Forms on the left hand column again. You should then see a GREEN line below New Student Enrollment. This means you have completed all the information. If you have any RED, then you have missed something and you can scroll down through the documents to find which one has not been completed.
Forms labeled A – I will need to be completed for all new students.
Documents Required for New Enrollments
You can take pictures or scan copies of Driver’s License/Photo ID of Parent, Birth Certificate, Proof of Residency, and Immunization Records. These documents may be sent to Stephanie Stambaugh ( Please include your Child’s name and Date of Birth as the subject line. You may also schedule an appointment with Stephanie to bring in your documents. Stephanie will be in touch with you or you may email or call her (573-676-5225).
1. Photo ID of parent/legal guardian:
A driver's license, passport, or any other state ID is acceptable.
The biological, foster or adoptive parent may enroll the student
Guardians must have the proper guardianship forms signed and a copy of court authorization.
Custody documentation is required in case of divorce or emergency placement.
2. Documentation of child's date of birth:
Birth certificate
Preschoolers must be 4 years old on or before July 31.
Kindergarteners must be 5 years old on or before July 31.
First-graders must be 6 years old on or before July 31.
3. Proof That You Live in the South Callaway R-II School District:
For more information see the Proof of Residency Form in the Document List Below.
A. If you own your home, please bring the following:
Legal property description of residence, deed, paid real estate tax bill and/or signed purchase contract with possession date of closing date no more than 40 days prior to possession date.
Current utility bill (bill that is associated to the land), i.e. gas, electric, land-line phone (no cell), water, trash, cable bill; the bill must show the parent/legal guardian's name enrolling the student and service address. Dated within last 30 days.
B. If you rent, please bring the following:
Current signed lease or rental agreement that has been signed by all parties. Landlord's contact information must be provided as well as start and end dates of lease. If NO signed lease/rental agreement is available, the renter and landlord (does NOT have to be at the same time) will need to come to the school to fill out a notary verified form.
Current utility bill (bill that is associated to the land), i.e. gas, electric, land-line phone (no cell), water, trash, cable bill; the bill must show the parent/legal guardian's name enrolling the student and service address. Dated within last 30 days.
4. Immunization records are required by state law.
Children cannot enroll after the first day of school without immunization records.
See charts below.
Missouri State Law Bill Number 167.181
Missouri law requires that students meet immunization requirements on the FIRST DAY of school. These would include all students unless noted otherwise. Click here to find Missouri’s requirements: Missouri Immunizations 2024-25sy
Missouri School Law requires that children who are not completely immunized will not be allowed to enroll in school and will be excluded immediately. If you have any questions regarding your child’s immunization status or for more detailed information, please check with your school nurse.
Once you have followed the steps above, you have completed your child’s registration. You will be contacted at a later date with more information and follow up.
If you have any questions on the PowerSchool forms, you may email Stephanie Stambaugh (

2024-25sy Preschool Immunization Requirements

2024-25sy Grades K-12 Immunization Requirements