Administration & Central Office Staff

All email addresses are (example

Employee - Title - Email

Corey Pontius - Superintendent - Email

Leigh Dunlap- Early Childhood Learning Center Principal - Email

Adam DuBuque - Elementary School Principal - Email

Gary Bonsall - Middle School Principal - Email

Heather Helsel - High School Principal - Email

Michelle Alford - Director of Transportation - Email

Tucker Bartley - Director of Technology - Email

Tony Brandt - Activities Director - Email 

Chad Mealy - Director of Maintenance - Email

Mary Van Orden - Director of Curriculum and Instruction - Email

Amanda Wogan - Director of Special Services - Email

Chad Hecktor - Instructional Technology Specialist - Email 

Dana Pickering - Central Office Secretary - Email

Debbie Popplewell - Human Resources/Payroll/Board Secretary - Email

Courtney Shuler - Special Services Secretary - Email

Stephanie Stambaugh - Technology Support Specialist - Email 

Autumn Young - Administrative Assistant to Superintendent - Email

South Callaway R-II District Office can be contacted through phone, fax, or e-mail.

Telephone number (573)-676-5225

Fax (573)-676-5134